About nasapp
NASAPP es un sistema de gestión de contaminación por olores, que promueve la participación de ciudadana y transforma las quejas y observaciones de los vecinos en un sistema de seguimiento continuo de impacto por olores.
A partir de la participación activa de los ciudadanos podemos generar mapas de molestia por olores, establecer condiciones meteorológicas desfavorables, programar alertas y establecer causas puntuales en determinadas actividades.
NASAPP is an odour pollution management system that promotes citizen participation and transforms neighbours' complaints and observations into a continuous odour impact monitoring system.
From the active participation of the citizens we can generate maps of annoyance by odours, establish unfavourable meteorological conditions, schedule alerts and establish specific causes in certain activities. NASAPP is a system run by odor contamination, which Promueve the participation of the citizen and transforms them neighbors Complaints and observations on a system of impact seguimiento continuo smell fear.
From the active participation of the Citizens podemos generate maps nuisance by odor, establecia meteorológicas unfavorable conditions, schedule and Alerts in certain specific things establecia actividades.
NASAPP pollution management system is an odour That Developed in citizen participation and transforms Neighbors' complaints and observations into a continuous monitoring system odour impact.
From the active participation of the Citizens Can we generate maps of Annoyance by odours, unfavourable Establish meteorological conditions, schedule alerts and Establish specific causes in Certain activities.