Ralali-Wholesale Center for Online B2B Marketplace for Android
Fast application on each actions
Clean and simple UI.
App nya kuenceng euy...
Great app to source your biz needs...
Great app.
Good apps, makes all business person easier to grow
Can more better ?
Very nice
Cara liat status order gimana ya? Aplikasinya sederhana banget.
UI & UX nya keren, dan app keren, semoga bisa lebih keren
Demi ice cream
Goid app
I think this is a good application
Good app
Good app
Good app
App baguss.. Lancar.. Tp app untuk seller gk bisa.. Loading lama.. Tolong di perbaiki yg applikasi seller ny..
Awesome depeloperrrr gan !! Bagus bagus bagusss...
Ntaaaap mobile appsnya, lebih cepat drpd buka dgn mobile web,,
Checkout bayar tidak bisa...selalu closed app...tolong diperbaiki
Stack pd splash screen
Improve bug nya cepat
Checkout force close mulu
Apps na ringan, fast, gampang dipakai, very useful buat pebisnis
great apps
I don't know what you guys are mumbling about the weakness of this app. But not for me, this app is awesome and fast since they update the version. Please keep the good work dev and take care of this app well. Thanks ...
UI nya sudah bagus, mungkin kurang colorfull aja jd terkesan flat warnanya. Checkout force close.
by S####:
Force close saat checkout :(