About Radio Petrecaretzu
Din 16 Ianuarie 2011 emitem in cele mai bune conditii in server online prin shoutcast la 128 kbps iar procesarea sunetului se face cu instrumente de ultima generatie, considerate de specialisti ca fiind cele mai bune posibile pentru o emisie pe internet. Calitatea sunetului am considerat-o inca de la inceput ca un lucru important si vom continua sa o imbunatatim pe cat posibil. Poate nu suntem si nu vom deveni cel mai tare radio dar ne consideram buni pentru cea ce facem, suntem buni pentru voi cei care ne ascultati si ati ramas fideli acestui post de radio online. Radio Petrecaretzu iti ofera cea mai buna si frumoasa muzica de petrecere,lautareasca,populara si multe alte genuri ce pot fi ascultate live din player pe aceasta pagina sau online prin Winamp. From January 16, 2011 issued in the best conditions in the shoutcast server online 128 kbps and sound processing is done with the latest tools, considered by experts as the best possible emission internet. Sound quality I considered from the outset as an important and will continue to improve as much as possible. We may not and will not become the hottest radio but we believe the best for what we do, we are good to you who hear us and have remained true to their online radio station. Petrecaretzu Radio offers the best and great party music, fiddler, folk and many other genres that can be heard live online player on this page or by Winamp.
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