Radio Japan - Stream Radio for Android
- Beautiful and easy volume control (with side button and touch screen too)
- Special animated background
- Supports background play
- Supports interruptions and resumes playback (eg.: getting phone call)
- Supports headphones being inserted and removed (radio stops when headphones removed)
- Listing radio stations on separate page
- Add default radio stations (the phone read from your custom list)
- Add your custom stations/favorit station you want (local data storage)
- Animated buffering
Radio List
AnimeNfo Radio
Manganime Radio
NHK Radio Japan
Vocaloid Radio
Asia DREAM Radio
Metal Hard
Radio Kishiwada ラヂオきしわだ - FM 79.7 - Kishiwada
Omohara Radio
Radio Japan 8
Retro PC GAME Music Radio
Kittikun Minimal Techno
FM Odawara - FM 78.7
A3K Radio
Amami FM - FM 77.7
NHK World Radio [English]
Shonan Beach FM 78.9
FM Tamba FM丹波 79.0
J-Club Asia DREAM Radio
FM Nirai FMニライ - FM 79.2
Soulful Web Station
Radio Japan 7
Radio Soulful Web Station 2
ENERGY98 - FM 98.0
FM世田谷 - FM 83.4
Radio Japan 3
三角山放送局 - FM 76.2
Radio Progressive House
J-Christmas15 asia DREAM Radio
Radio Metropolitana FM
Radio Hayama
Radio Japan 5
レディオ湘南 - FM 83.1
Radio Soulful Web Station 2
ENERGY98 - FM 98.0
FM世田谷 - FM 83.4
Radio Japan 3
三角山放送局 - FM 76.2
Radio Progressive House
J-Christmas15 asia DREAM Radio
さくらFM - FM 78.7
Radio Metropolitana FM
Radio Hayama
Radio Japan 5
レディオ湘南 - FM 83.1
- Some radio stations may be temporarily unavailable, it's depending on the broker not on Radio United States of America.
- Please leave us your feedback in order to further improve the use of Radio United States and thank you.
- Leave your comment for future list update