Quipper for Android
This can help me make m6 assingment
Really hard to login!
Cool app
Saya sudah terdaftar hampor satu tahun, setelah sy install ulang aplikasinya kenapa kurang lengkap materi SMA dan SBMPTN? setahu saya untuk versi yg dulu sangat lengkap, mohon diperbaiki!!!
Saya sudah mndaftar diquipper beberapa kali tetapi saat saya mau login kembali akun sya tdk bisa terbuka
The most best app
Bimbel Termurah
Really good
Good Apps
Tolong ya, saya sudah bayar kenapa suruh bayar lagi?! Tolong balas dan jelaskan! Profesional!
Potanginang quipper yan! :) dagdag gawain sa bahay ❤
sangat buruk, I can't open the group
Pretty nice. No bug encountered so far, I just wish themes would be available on the app just like on the website.
Very useful but can you share all subjects including junior hs and senior hs..
Tolong ajarin aku cara log in nya.please
Its very very Usefull, You know Guys This App Is Amazing! And Knowledgeable
There a need to change it.? I cannot view the subjects anymore in browser in teacher portal and philippines please add new core subjects like the world religion and other stuff. Thank you
kok ga bisa landscape liatnya?
How to change lesson
Its good and its very nice
UI latihan soalnya tolong dioptimalkan untuk pengguna hp karena kadang2 penjelasannya terlalu mepet dan kecil.
Banyak materi yg harus dibuka melalui web. Mohon segera diperbaiki melalui update supaya dapat langsung mempelajari materi lewat aplikasinya
Banyak materi yang cuma bisa di buka lewat web,, mohon diperbaiki
Kok app x ga bisa sign in pake Facebook?
Hi. I have a problem again, the same problem as the previous. Some topics contains questions only supported in your website. How can it be? Oh what a pity :( I've downloaded it then i can't open it. Please fix this issue, thanks
Sebaiknya kasih teacher chat online buat anak yg gk terlalu paham maksud si pengajar
membantu banget, soalnya aku belajar lebih cepet ngerti kalo pake metode mendengarkan lalu di tulis ulang. salam buat kak Fiktor, jangan melow mulu :(
Tambah materi USM PKN STAN dong min
Good, but when i play in full screen mode it's not fully full screen there is back, home, recent button there, i want there is no button like youtube app when we tap full screen mode
helpful, tapi suka kesel kalo yang harus lewat web : (
Membantu sekali....tapi kok materinya cuma dikit doank ya?apa tiap hari ganti materinya?
Ngebantu banget! Jadi nggak perlu buka lewat web
Rate bintang 3 dulu nanti kalau graphic nya kaya GTA 5 saya rate 5
Tolong perbaiki hal2 lain, seperti pengisian daftar kuliah serta jurusannya, ketika saya ingin memilih yang ada seperti tidak terpampang apa2 selain background app yg kosong
Very helpful to ky kids they would just use the phone instead of the computer and very easy to touch
by T####:
makes my phone so laggy