uJesu unguNkulunkulu na? for Android
Akukho lapho kubhalwe khona eBhayibhelini lapho uJesu elikhipha ngembaba khona ukuthi, “nginguNkulunkulu”. Kodwa lokho akusho ukuthi akakuvezanga noma akashongo ukuthi unguNkulunkulu. Isibonakaliso salokhu amagama uJesu awasho encwadini ngokukaJohane 10:30, “Mina noBaba simunye.” Uma ungawanakile lamagama angeke usho vele ukuthi uJesu uzisho ukuthi unguNkulunkulu.
Is Jesus God? Did Jesus ever claim to be God?No recorded in the Bible where Jesus is outside that, "I am". But that does not mean that He did not say that he is God. Take for example Jesus' words in John 10:30, "I and the Father are one." At first glance the words can not say that Jesus was to say that he is God.