Qraved - Best Food Restaurant Dining Finder for Android
Keren, fiturnya lengkap banget buat cari makanan enak
Keren, jadi tau banyak soal makan enak
Jadi sekarang qraved uda ga bisa booking restaurant lagi yah?
App nya keren, banyak fitur yg memudahkan untuk mencari makanan2 enak
Jadi lebih update soal info2 makanan kekinian lewat journalnya, info restoran juga cukup lengkap, love it!
Super helpful!
Can find restaurant in nearby location very fast. Very helpfull!
sayang surakarta belum masuk. padahal itu surganya kuliner jawa.
I will add more more star if you add more city. So far so good..
Should have a sorting from the newest to oldest at the journal search. Thank you
Lokasi ga terupdate. Peta nya ga bs diubah cm di bali doank ????
Setelah di update kenapa lokasi saya malah gk ke detect yah? Di android padahal sudah diaktifkan.
very helpful when looking for good food around you
Gotta say..."Boo!" For the latest update. Crashed so many times...like, almost every time I opened it.. Poor user interface. No menu available at all on the restaurant I'm looking for. Love the older version.
Nice app...sangat membantu, saya harap aplikasi ini selalu uptodate untuk lokasi kuliner yang kekinian
Lokasinya lebih di tambah lagi dong, terutama surabaya
Very usefull
Versi terbarunya keren, banyak fitur baru dan mudah penggunaannya..bravo Qraved..keep up the good work????
Please, in my phone oppo find7 after updte so stoped, force close cant be open applction.
New update is super!!
Great Discovery and food social app
Very nice app
Kota malang jatim. kok belum ada ya? Padahal banyak resto dan kuliner disini. Juga kota wisata.
Super easy to use! gampang banget pakenya dan info promonya juga lengkap banget ditambah ada jurnal-jurnal soal restonya juga. cakep deh
Sayang banget cuma kota besar saja yg masuk. Coba kota kecil kata Cirebon yg juga banyak wisata kuliner nya
Bagus banget buat para penggemar kuliner... Update terus ya info kuliner nyaa.... Bravoo...
This app is so good but very unstable. The app force closed oftenly.
It's not user friendly
An app for you who needs a recommendation of place to eat, very helpfull!
Please add some another "halal" filter, it would really help me, for finding best halal spot
Tapi sayangnya kenapa ga user generated content? Kalo begini malah lebih enak pake google map rating sepertinya..
Sekedar catatan, tolong tambah kota.
Interesting way to find a new spot to eat
Thanks for recommended restaurant and place hang out
Good indonesian app. Tapi tolong tambah kota dong masa 3 doang.. klo lg jalan ke kita2 lain padahal butuh bgt app ini. Semoga kedepannya tambah kita lagi ya
Please add some another "halal" filter, it would really help me, for finding best halal spot
Aplikasinya keren banget. Sangat membantu dikala "gelap mata" nyari referensi tempat makan dan liburan.
by Q####:
Apaan nih baru install bgitu login langsung ga bisa dibuka aplikasinya, always crash klo dibuka. Payah!!!