About 念佛机
一个可以念佛的修行好帮手,一个随身携带的念佛机,一个帮助我们礼佛,开启菩提大道的指路明灯。里面包含20多首心情平静感人的佛乐,可以让大家听的时候更有感触,有了这个app, 再也不用费钱购买传统念佛机啦! 希望大家听了都能法喜充满。。念佛咒让你逢凶化吉、事业顺利、健康平安、家庭如意。 每日心中念佛的人,静心安宁,永葆平安。虔诚心礼佛,功德无量。清净心听经,净化心灵。诵读佛经,帮助我们明理增慧,愉悦身心。喜欢您会喜欢我的作品。
4: 大悲十小咒
5: 观世音菩萨圣号
8: 长寿佛经
9: 药师心咒
10: 莲池赞
11: 往生咒
12: 悉发菩提心
13: 楞严咒
14: 万佛圣城梵呗
15: 净土发愿文
16: 赞佛偈
17: 杨枝净水赞
18: 释迦牟尼佛心咒
19: 阿弥陀佛心咒
20: 文殊菩萨心咒
21: 金刚萨埵心咒
22: 般若波罗密多心经
23: 心陀罗尼经大悲神咒
(您还可以把您想要的曲目提交给我,我会在后期更新时添加,您也可以推荐他人使用,万分感谢。) Buddha can practice a good helper, a portable machine Buddha, a Buddha to help us open the Bodhi Avenue beacon. Which contains more than 20 first calm touching Buddhist music, so that everyone can listen to it more feeling, with this app, no longer have to buy expensive traditional Buddha machine it! I hope you can law hi full hearing. . Buddha mantra makes you good luck, the smooth, healthy and safe, family wishful. Daily hearts of people chanting, meditation peaceful, and always maintain peace. Buddha devotion, boundless beneficence. Pure heart by listening to purify the mind. Reciting Buddhist scriptures to help us gain sensible wisdom, pleasure. Like you would appreciate my work.
Existing tracks:
1: Namo Amitabha
2: Compassion
3: Padme Hung
4: top ten Great Compassion Mantra
5: the holy Bodhisattva
6: Ode mantra - Om Duanchu six suffering
7: quasi-mentioned curse
8: Longevity Sutra
9: pharmacists mantra
10: pond Like
11: reborn curse
12: note Bodhicitta
13: mantra
14: CTTB chanting
15: Pure Land oath texts
16: Like Foji
17: Yoji water purification praise
18: Sakyamuni Buddha mantra
19: Amitabha mantra
20: Manjushri mantra
21: Vajrasattva mantra
22: Heart Sutra
23: After the Compassionate Heart Dharani mantra
(You can also put your desired track submitted to me, I'll add in post update, you can also recommend others to use, very grateful.)
by W####:
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