About 功夫帝国
功夫帝国集成了多种流行武术的学习资料,包括咏春拳,泰拳,跆拳道,空手道,太极拳,瑜伽,各国军警格斗术,少林派武术,武当派武术,以及一些失传的中国武术绝学的珍贵老视频,丰富的武术学习视频,是功夫爱好者不可多得的应用软件. Kung Fu Empire integrates a variety of popular martial arts learning materials, including Wing Chun, Thai boxing, taekwondo, karate, tai chi, yoga, national police martial art, Shaolin Wushu, Wudang martial arts, as well as some of the lost secrets of Chinese martial arts precious old video, video-rich learning martial arts, kung fu enthusiast rare applications.