About Benda Peninggalan Rasul
Bukan tanpa alasan kenapa nama Nabi Muhammad menjadi nomor satu dalam daftar 100 orang paling penting dunia versi Michael Hart. Hal tersebut tak lain karena beliau ini adalah sosok yang sangat sempurna dilihat dari banyak hal.
Di satu sisi beliau adalah manusia biasa yang santun akhlaknya, tapi di sisi lain Nabi Muhammad adalah seorang pemimpin besar yang pencapaiannya luar biasa.
Bagi kita yang beragama Muslim, Nabi Muhammad adalah sosok yang benar-benar jadi panutan. Apa yang beliau perbuat sebisa mungkin kita lakukan pula sebagai bakti dan bukti cinta, di samping pahala yang berlimpah.
Mempelajari sosok Nabi Muhammad sendiri bisa kita lakukan dengan berbagai cara. Salah satunya adalah lewat benda-benda peninggalan beliau. Ya, hingga hari ini tercatat masih ada begitu banyak peninggalan beliau yang masih eksis dan tersimpan baik. Sungguh, ketika melihat benda-benda yang lekat dengan beliau, rasanya seperti bergetar jiwa ini.
Teringat tatkala beliau masih hidup, walaupun jarak kita dan Nabi Muhammad adalah beratus-ratus tahun.
Beberapa peninggalan beliau tersimpan rapi di Turki dan beberapa negara lain seperti Pakistan. Lalu, benda-benda apa saja yang begitu melekat dengan Nabi Muhammad dan masih ada sampai sekarang
Benda Peninggalan Nabi Muhammad beratus-ratus tahun masih tersimpan baik diantaranya:
1. Sorban, Jubah dan Tongkat
2. Beberapa Helai Rambut dan Janggut
3. Bendera Nabi Muhammad
4. Beberapa Pedang
5. Gagang Pedang ;Hatf;
6. Busur Panah
7. Gigi dan Rambut
8. Jejak Kaki
9. Jubah dan Gamis
10. Koleksi Sorban
11. Kotak Milik Fatimah Az Zahra
12. Mangkuk Tempat Minum
13. Sandal Nabi Muhammad
14. Surat Nabi SAW kepada Kaisar Romawi
15. Surat Nabi SAW kepada Rakyat Oman
16. Surat Nabi SAW kepada Raja Heraclius
17. Cap Surat
18. Topi Perang Besi
19. Wadah Kotak Gigi
20. Reruntuhan Rumah Rasulullah & Siti Khadijah
21. Reruntuhan Mihrab
22. Makam Siti Aminah Ibunda Rasulullah
23. Makam Sayyidah Khadijah & Putranya
24. Makam Fatima Az Zahra, Putri Rasulullah
25. Makam Abu Thalib, Paman Rasulullah
26. Makam Bilal
Semoga aplikasi ini dapat bermanfaat
Jika ada Masukan dan Saran mohon kirmkan lewat Email kami di; suportturiputih@gmail.com
Not without reason name Prophet Muhammad to be number one in the list of world's 100 most important version of Michael Hart. It is not because he is a very perfect figure seen from many things.
On the one hand he was a man of polite behavior, but on the other hand The Prophet Muhammad was a great leader whose remarkable achievement.
For those of us who are Muslim, The Prophet Muhammad is the figure that really be a role model. What did he do as much as possible we do as well as proof of devotion and love, in addition to the rewards are plentiful.
Learn about the figure of the Prophet Muhammad himself can be done in various ways. One is through the relics of him. Yes, to this day there is still so much recorded his relics that still exist and stored well. Indeed, when looking at objects that are attached to him, it feels like the soul vibrate.
Remembering when he was still alive, despite our distance and that Mohammed is hundreds of years.
Some of his relics stored neatly in Turkey and some other countries such as Pakistan. So, what objects are so attached to the Prophet Muhammad and still exist today
Heritage Objects Prophet hundreds of years still stored well include:
1. turban, robe and Sticks
2. Some Strands Hair and Beard
3. The flag of the Prophet Muhammad
4. Some of the Sword
5. Handle of the sword; Hatf;
6. Bow Arrow
7. Teeth and Hair
8. Footprint
9. tunic and robe
10. Turban Collection
11. Box Belongs Fatimah
12. Bowls Drinking Places
13. Sandal Prophet Muhammad
14. Letter of the Prophet to the Roman Emperor
15. Letter of the Prophet to the People Oman
16. Letter of the Prophet to the King Heraclius
17. Cap Letter
18. Hats Iron War
19. Container Box Dental
20. House Ruins Prophet & Siti Khadijah
21. Ruins Mihrab
22. Tomb of the Prophet Siti Aminah Ibunda
23. Tomb of Lady Khadija & Son
24. Tomb of Fatima Az Zahra, daughter of the Prophet
25. Tomb of Abu Talib, the uncle of the Prophet
26. Tomb of Bilal
Hopefully, this application can be useful
If there is a Feedback and Tip please kirmkan through the Email in; suportturiputih@gmail.com