Kuliah Sambil Nikah, Takut? for Android
Melihat kondisi seperti ini, buku ini sangat tepat dibaca oleh seluruh mahasiswa di Nusantara agar mendapatkan pencerahan dengan cahaya agama dengan bimbingan Al-Qur'an, As-Sunnah, dan ucapan para ulama.
Buku ini akan mengajak para mahasiswa untuk berfikir secara matang tentang sisi negatif dan positif dalam menunda pernikahan. Di sini juga disebutkan beberapa kisah para mahasiswa yang sukses menikah.
Penasaran kan, yuk buruan sedot ^^
Pustaka Syabab
Problem students on campus is actually not only a practical matter, lecturer killer, and matkul super complicated. Most students can overcome the problems above, but it is not uncommon that fail to address the problem of romance with her classmates. Finally, he was frustrated, college is no longer excited, and worship so messy.Looking at this condition, this book is very precise read by all students in the archipelago in order to get enlightened with the light of faith with the guidance of the Qur'an, Sunnah and sayings of the scholars.
This book will encourage students to think carefully about the negative and positive side in delaying marriage. Here also mentioned some of the stories of the students who successfully married.
Curious right, let's hurry suction ^^
Reader Shabab
by Q####: