Puppia Life is a pet social network service (PSNS)
Puppia Life is an application for sharing your pet’s story
Share your pet’s story
See a life of other pets and share information
Find new friends nearby through sharing your location, interests, and hobbies
Register Puppia product
Register and authenticate your Puppia product using a smart tag
Register Puppia smart tag
Register Puppia smart tag to secure your pet
Report your pet as missing
You would be able to report your pet as missing once you’ve registered your pet’s information on Puppia Life. That report will be shared with all Puppia Life users.
Person who finds your pet with Puppia smart tag can scan the tag using QR or NFC and it will notify the pet owner.
Puppia Life(퍼피아라이프)는 PSNS(반려동물 쇼셜 네트워크 서비스, Pet Social Network Services)입니다.
퍼피아라이프는 강아지, 고양이 등 반려동물에 대한 이야기를 나누는 어플리케이션입니다.
당신의 강아지, 고양이 등 반려동물의 일상을 공유해보세요.
다른 사람들의 반려동물은 어떤 생활을 하고 있는지 알아보고, 정보를 교류해요.
비슷한 지역, 관심사, 취미 등 커뮤니티를 만들어서 활동해보세요.
퍼피아제품 등록
QR코드를 이용해서 쉽게 퍼피아 제품을 등록해서 관리해보세요.
퍼피아 스마트 태그 등록
퍼피아 스마트 태그의 NFC나 QR코드를 인식 등록하여 당신의 반려동물을 등록하여 실종을 방지해보세요.
등록된 제품을 착용한 반려동물 실종신고를 하면, 퍼피아라이프 앱을 사용하는 모든 사람에게 공유가 됩니다.
실종된 반려동물을 발견한 사람이 퍼피아 스마트 태그/퍼피아 태그의 QR코드나 NFC를 인식하여 실종된 신고 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다. Puppia Life is a pet social network service (PSNS)
Puppia Life is an application for sharing your pet's story
Share your pet's story
See a life of other pets and share information
Find new friends nearby through sharing your location, interests, and hobbies
Register Puppia product
Register and authenticate your Puppia product using a smart tag
Register Puppia smart tag
Register Puppia smart tag to secure your pet
Report your pet as missing
You would be able to report your pet as missing once you've registered your pet's information on Puppia Life. That report will be shared with all Puppia Life users.
Person who finds your pet with Puppia smart tag can scan the tag using QR or NFC and it will notify the pet owner.
The Puppia Life (peopiah Life) is PSNS (social network service pets, Pet Social Network Services).
Peopiah Life is a dog, cat, etc. The applications to talk about pets.
Your dog, cat, etc. Share your everyday companion animals.
Pet of others and learn whether any life, I exchange information.
Similar areas, interests, hobbies, etc. Try creating a community activity.
Peopiah Product Registration
Try using a QR code management easier by registering peopiah products.
Peopiah Smart Tag Registration
Peopiah registered recognize NFC tags or QR codes to try to prevent the disappearance of a smart register your pet.
Reported missing
If a pet wearing a registered product reported missing, it will be shared by all who use the app peopiah life.
The person who found the missing pets may recognize the QR code or NFC smart tag of peopiah / peopiah tag check the missing report information.
by C####:
I am fond of the app, but what would make it even better is if you could have the user register there language so users who speak the same language can connect. There is alot of Japanese and chinese, making this app not seen as useful to me as an American who speaks English. I hope you put in a language feature so I can talk to people in my language. GOOD app just needs language separation