App List Backup via Email

App List Backup via Email$1.89

Rated 4.67/5 (58) —  Free Android application by pfiffigsoft

About App List Backup via Email

How much do you hate it when you lose your awesome apps?
What if I told you that you can once and for all solve this problem by just downloading a simple app to take care of this for you?
Just think about all the time and nerves you are going to save in case your phone accidentaly brakes, you just buy a new one or simply want yo share you app list with a friend.
And lets be honest - upgrading to a new phone or just changing your current one has been a pain in the ass for Android since ever,
no matter what Google tells you or updates - you know that you just cannot be 100% sure.
With App List Backup Email you can have all your apps with you all the time - wherever you go and whatever happens to your phone.
You will:
- Receive all your apps on your personal email (don't worry that the cloud or your sd card is going to fail)
- Easily forward them to a friend (no side-app needed, just an email)
- Re-download them whenever you want or need (on the same or another device)
- Ad free app (No trashy apps to spoil your experience)
- No internet permissions needed (or ANY permissions whatsoever)
- High security


The idea is NOT to back up non-Play-Store apps or to save you from re-downloading apps.
This app doesn't work properly with some devices. It may write the file on Internal storage. This is because getExternalStorageDirectory method provided by Android doesn't work properly on every device (for example Samsung Galaxy). We try to make some hacks to fix this Android app but still doesn't working on some devices.
So please don't rate negatively due to that...


How to Download / Install

Download and install App List Backup via Email version 1.4 on your Android device!
Downloaded 1,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.punsoftware.backup.zero_perm, download App List Backup via Email.apk

All Application Badges

For everyone
Android app

App History & Updates

What's Changed
Version 1.4:
- New color scheme
- New Logo (Transparent)
Version 1.3:
- New Logo
- Added plain-text option for saving your app list in an email with links
- New visual design
- Performance improvements
Price update  Price changed from $2.18 to $1.89.
Version update App List Backup via Email was updated to version 1.4
Price update  Price changed from $1.46 to $2.18.
More downloads  App List Backup via Email reached 1 000 - 5 000 downloads

What are users saying about App List Backup via Email

by M####:

Makes upgrading to a new phone easy. (But forgets to put itself on the list. LOL)

by M####:

Been using App List Backup for a few years now; it is truly indispensable! Saves list of all installed apps, allowing me to pick & choose apps to restore.

by I####:

Works great.

by R####:

Apparently the number of apps to put in the list is numbered - I have to store my apps in two lists.

by U####:

Excellent application! Thank you very much, it works perfectly on my nexus 6

by I####:

Best app backup I've used

by R####:

When I'm getting the app list there is one app missing : "App list backup "

by W####:

Works great.

by R####:

I have a lot of apps on my Nexus 4 and needed a way to get a list of the ones installed so I could pick and choose which to reinstall on a replacement Nexus. This app worked beautifully and will be incredibly helpful when it comes to setting things up on the replacement device. The $2 was well worth the time it saved me having to print all those apps out myself. Thanks!!

by R####:

Have used it on a couple of our 20+ devices. Have saved tons of cloud space on app storage.

by Y####:

Best app backup I've used

by R####:

Great when switching phones

by W####:

Best app backup I've used

by Q####:

I have a lot of apps on my Nexus 4 and needed a way to get a list of the ones installed so I could pick and choose which to reinstall on a replacement Nexus. This app worked beautifully and will be incredibly helpful when it comes to setting things up on the replacement device. The $2 was well worth the time it saved me having to print all those apps out myself. Thanks!!

by Q####:

Been using App List Backup for a few years now; it is truly indispensable! Saves list of all installed apps, allowing me to pick & choose apps to restore.

by E####:

Best app backup I've used

by Q####:

This is amazing - no permissions required at all. Just back up your apps by email (which the app doesn't have access to - you have to copy-paste from your email). Thank you!

by M####:

Genius way to back up app list! This is amazing - no permissions required at all. Just back up your apps by email (which the app doesn't have access to - you have to copy-paste from your email). Thank you!

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58 users







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