About Propos POS - blagajna
Enostavna mobilna davčna blagajna za manjša podjetja, ki podpira izdajo računov, vodenje zalog v skladišču in enostaven pregled poslovanja. Omogoča delo z več blagajnami na terenu ali v pisarni.
Davčna blagajna podpira vse zahteve FURS-a v letu 2016. Ker je mobilna blagajna prirejena za Android in Windows operacijski sistem, jo lahko uporabite na katerikoli napravi, ki jo trenutno že uporabljate za vsakdanje potrebe.
Mobilno davčno blagajno lahko priredite in povežete z vašim računovodstvom oz. programom, ki ga vaše računovodstvo podpisa. Podpira imenske in neimenske račune.
Poseben modul KLUB, lahko blagajno spremeni v učinkovit sistem za vodenje članov kluba, njihova vplačila in izplačila.
Moduli programa:
- izdaja računov, ponudb
- vnos začasnih dokumentov (naročila, odprti računi)
- povezava s FURS (davčna blagajna)
- pregledi in analize (po računih, po artiklih, po strankah)
- dnevni in mesečni zbirniki Easy mobile fiscal cash registers for small businesses that supports invoicing, inventory in storage and simple overview of the business. It allows you to work with several funders in the field or in the office.
Tax Treasury supports all the requirements of a PARS in 2016. As the mobile cash register designed for the Android and Windows operating system, you can use it on any device that currently are using for everyday needs.
Mobile fiscal cash register can assign and connect with your accounting or. program that your accounting signature. It supports registered and neimenske accounts.
A special module club, it can change the cash register into an efficient system for the management of the club members, their deposits and withdrawals.
Modules of the program:
- Invoicing, offers
- The introduction of temporary documents (contracts, open accounts)
- Link with PARS (Tax Fund)
- Reviews and analysis (invoices, the articles, the customer)
- Daily and monthly summary