Kami melayani Anda untuk membuka loket pembayaran Via Android meliputi:
Pembayaran rekening Listrik PLN
Penjualan Token Prabayar PLN
Pembayaran rekening Telphone dan Speedy
Penjualan Voucher Pulsa Elektronik
Pembayaran Rekening PDAM
Dalam menyelenggarakan pelayanan Payment Point Online Bank, MGW Solution sama dengan pengelola Payment Point/PP (perorangan, koperasi, badan usaha, dll). Untuk operasinya kami melakukan Instalasi Aplikasi dan sertifikasi perangkat PC, Printer dan Modem agar dapat menyediakan data cepat dan akurat.
maupun via Smartphone serta menyediakan Standar Operating Prosedure transaksi online, memonitor pelaksanaan PPOB selama 24 jam pada sarana jaringan online provider, menyediakan dukungan fasilitas nomor telepon, sms dan email untuk help desk dan technical support atas jaringan online, melakukan maintenance jaringan dan aplikasi PPOB. We serve you to open checkouts Via Android include:
Electricity bill payment PLN
Sales of Prepaid Token PLN
Telphone account payments and Speedy
Finance / Leasing
Sales of Electronic Toll Voucher
Account Payments taps
Service delivery Online Payment Point Bank, together with the manager MGW Solution Payment Point / PP (individuals, cooperatives, enterprises, etc.). For the operations we conduct Application Installation and certification of PC peripherals, printers and modems in order to provide data quickly and accurately.
or via Smartphone and feature Standard Operating Procedures online transactions, monitor the implementation of PPOB for 24 hours on-line network infrastructure provider, providing facilities support phone numbers, sms and email to help desk and technical support on the online network, perform network maintenance and application PPOB.