Wedase Mariam (EOTC) for Android
Thank you so much god bless everyone Amen
Ene teteqami Smartphon ney slezi tshuf space bidereglet turu elalo Amesegnalew
I am so happy to see this app; I can prey any time; God bless you
Eternal Life giving
God bless you who ever did this amazing app, really helpful
Thanks GOD!
Thanks for making this app I really appreciate it
I love it
ብዙ የውዳሴ ማርያም አፖችን አይቻለሁ ። ሁሉም ተመሳሳይነት አላቸው ። የዚህ ግን ለየት ያለ ነው ። ሰው አንደፈለገው አማርኛውን ወይም ግዕዙን ለመጠቀም እንደፍላጎቱ ፊት ለፊት ተቀምጦለታል ። አጠቃቀሙም እጅግ ቀላልና በፍጥነት ወደ ዕለቱ ውዳሴ ለመግባት የሚያስችል ነው ። በርቱ ! ✔ በተረፈ የማክሰኞ ውዳሴ ማርያም "አንቲ ውእቱ እፅ" ስለተዘለለ አስተካክሏት ። እግዚአብሔር ይባርካችሁ።
My god bless you
Good job
Egzyabehar kef kef yadergachu
I't good
So, I said thank you so much & GOD bless you.
Great work. Very helpful. It would have been excellent if some words were not missing.
Bethame dissss yelale
I love this App
Good job
Mulubrhan tewelde
Dingil tibarkachhu amen
I like it
God bless you!!!!!
Provides the practical daily prayer version for every day use such as the one you need for Kidanemihiret prayer. The others provide the complete version that is difficult to leaf through. Very easy to navigate through each day's prayers. The text is easily readable too. Great job. Thanks!
You are Doing good but correct missed words and improve visibility.
our kindheart mother
This is the best of all the apps developed for wudasse mariam!
Thank you for making this book accessible on phone. Just needs correct spacing between words.
ምስጋና ላንቺ ይሁን አሜን ።
wudase mariam behafesha.betamemi des zeble tefesihka tenbibo kab zikone sugawi gasab zenagif eyu.
Qale hiwet amlak xegeu yebzhalkum
ምንም አይነት አማራጭ የለውም ማለቴ የቀለምና የተለያየ ማመጣጠኛ ሌላ ቀርቶ የፎንት መጠን መቀነስና መጨመር አይቻልም ፡፡ ብትሠሩበት ጥሩ ነው
thanks for this. God bless u.
Keep it up...
For saint merry
Egzyabehar kef kef yadergachu
10 Q.
by I####:
Thanks for the app. Can you check out on Sibhat leAb. Pls check it again, may be type error or jumping line when you write it.