FinanceXE for Android
Aplicativo muito bom... porem tem alguns erros que poderiam ser corrigidos"
I need the pro one..
Simple and simple app for personal use
Nao funciona. Fica constantemente pedindo pra preencher campos ja preenchidos e nao salva- android 4
This app is the best one by far. I've gone through and tried them all and this app is the easiest and most efficient app that lets you monitor your spending habits. I've had no problems at all, so thankyou guys for an awesome app that works great on HTC one x.
Erros mencionados anteriormente foram corrigidos. Acredito que poderia existir uma opção para quando se trabalha com previdência privada (Mesmo banco ou outros), para não ter a necessidade de "Despesas" e "Receitas". Mas contém ótimas funcionalidades e ajuda a organizar melhor onde gastar o dinheiro.
At first glance it looks good without being too complicated but it does lack real budgeting.
Mudah digunakan dn bermanfaat.tks
by M####:
Would be better if you could please make entering records faster. It takes tooooo much time. I just want to enter amount and description so other fields should to be filled with default values, and can be changed if needed like date to today, cost Centre to default and such. BTW calculator function is very useful to enter total amount. Thanks