About coffee capital
Wer die Welt von Kaffee und seinen Begleitern wie Cappuccino, Macchiatto, Latte Macchiatto, Espresso etc. verstehen will, wer mit to-go seine Umsätze steigern möchte, wer mit to-go-snack(ing) Umsatzsteigerungen realisieren will - der findet mit coffee|capital den direkten Insider. coffee|capital ist Lifestyle- und Avantgarde-Informant, Special Interest Magazin rund um coffee, to-go und to-go-snack. Schwerpunkt von coffee|capital sind die Segmente Coffeeshop, Espressobar, Roaster, OCS, Bakery, Backfactory, Shop, to-go, Gastro und Consumer. Nutzen Sie das Know-How von Profis. Anyone who wants to understand the world of coffee and his companions such as cappuccino, macchiato, latte macchiato, espresso, etc., who would like to increase with to-go its revenues, who wants to realize with to-go snack (ing) sales increases - the place with coffee | capital direct insider. coffee | capital's lifestyle and avant-informant, Special Interest News from coffee, to-go and to-go snack. Focus of coffee | capital are the segments coffee shop, espresso bar, Roaster, OCS, Bakery, baking factory, shop, to-go, catering and consumer. Use the know-how of professionals.