About 文王神卦
Please ensure that you have enough memory before installing.
- http://www.icsuntime.com
您心中有不解的困惑嗎?面臨抉擇不知如何是好?來試試文王神卦吧,藉由前人智慧的指引,讓所惑之事了然於胸,本程式無複雜的設定,輸入一組數字及多達64樣的測算項目, 就能推算不管在事業,升學,婚姻等方面之事,相信可以滿足你的需求。
Has anything confused you, or are you confused in making a decision?
Thia program can help you to face these issues without complex procedures.
The prediction result is just the composition of a random group of numbers between 0 and 999 with a specified topic. If you are interested in Chinese culture then please do not miss this, another ancient Chinese wisdom. :)
- 需求: Android 2.2 以上
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by D####: