About PicsMail
Allows to create an html file, containing photos, emoticons, text color,... and send it as an attachment by e-mail.
PicsMail allows to compose emails in text mode and send in HTML format. So you can decorate your messages of emoticons, color text, embed photos.
To create a message, you must click on the 'create new message' button and in the new window, give a name any to your message (to possibly get it back later), enter a recipient, fill out the subject of the message, write a text message inviting the caller to read the attachment, then compositing the attachment properly so-called.
To write the attachment, you have several buttons that allow you to insert a picture, emoticons, layout controls, etc.
The photos or images jpg are automatically embedded in the HTML file
Each command is represented in the text by a character # followed by a command name and any parameters separated by vertical lines.
For example the command that formats text in bold is
#b| text in bold ¦
So, for most of the commands you'll write your text between vertical bars.
You won't need to learn commands, since the software has a selection of commands window.
In order to quietly write your message, software backs up all of your work in a file, and to resume writing, just to recover in "drafts".
You've only to send your message.