Prayer Time for Android
Ads with NONOK life...
Terus improve..... Good
Not smooth moving and the acurracy are not quite precisse in my hometown jakarta. Pls fix it and connect with gps or manual setup. The rest are good. Jazakumullah
Thank you
Thank you all ..May Allah..blessing u ..Love 4 all ,Hatred 4 none
Needs to improve.
Terus improve..... Good
Cannot use at all
Maju terus developer indonesia
Really good for muslims.
The best app
Allahu akbat
mantap sekali, walaupun dipakai di singapura, akurat sekali
mantap deh
ada bbrp masukan: 1. di samsung gio saya tiap buka app, yg ditunjukkan adalah waktu dhuhur; klo bisa dijadikan waktu shalat berikutnya (misal jam 2 maka menunjukkan waktu ashar). 2. Ada tanggalan hijriah lengkap dgn hari2 penting umat muslim dan fase bulan. 3. kompas ada semacam garis atau titik tepat di atas (utk menepatkan jarum ke qiblat) dan angka derajat arah kompas (sdg mengarah ke mana) bisa ditampilkan. 4. Ada audio adzan yang bisa disetel per waktu sholat dan custom audio file. 5. bisa menentukan lokasi dgn: isi kota manual, isi koordinat manual, gps.
this app is gud actually, but didnt get my location correctly please fix it and make it work!
Sorry but it won't get my position
Desain kompas yang lebih bagus akan menjadi nilai plus. Secara keseluruhan sudah baik.
Adding widget would make this app perfect. Aside of that: Alhamdulillah!
Good app for every moslem
I cannot find qibla at all in lenovo android ice cream sdwch
azannya gak pernah bunyi di wonder gue.... sayang sekali
Didn't work on my HTC Sense.. too bad :(
allhamdulillah...smoga tuhan membalas budi baik anda
It is very useful to remember us about pray time
This will keep me on my prayers
Thank you all ..May Allah..blessing u ..Love 4 all ,Hatred 4 none
Alf mabrouk! May Allah the Exalted bless the designer(s) of this excellent app. Still, there are rooms for improvement and perfection. I personally do hope other Indonesian muslim brothers and sisters will also make such a beneficial contribution.
Terus improve..... Good
Trus kembangkan.
Very good aap
But still needs more work
Not smooth moving and the acurracy are not quite precisse in my hometown jakarta. Pls fix it and connect with gps or manual setup. The rest are good. Jazakumullah
Perbaikan dan peningkatan diperlukan scara berkala
Not giving correct prayer times of city lahore Pakistan please fix it
bagaimana mengatur jadwal azan utk wilayah di bagian tengah Indonesia? pilihan kota di Indonesia tidak banyak.
Tank you so much..
by S####:
Terus improve..... Good