Apk Backup and share for Android
APK Backup and share is an android app. Through this application to restores your data or information without internet. Backup save copy of installed application on devices. Also share this backup and share app through share link of your app with your friends.
APK share app with people or devices by email, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and others. Another important ability of APKs is to generate a report, in various formats, of installed applications with plays tore links.
Backup with schedule option to our online secure servers, or SD card, you’re Applications, Photos, Music, Videos, Contacts, Call log, Browser Bookmarks, SMS, MMS (message attachments), Calendar, System Settings, Home Screens, Alarms, Dictionary, and more.
Our entire Android data save single application, namely Super Backup. With this app, we don't need another app, because it will backup all the data stored in our phone and device.
Application can use the backup system services to request that application. Backup services handled things from there, sending or retrieving the appropriate backup archive.
Android backup services through you take backup important application data. Backup services you choose should be secure reliable and always available.
APKs incremental restore will provide you a simple way to reinstall in more than one step your back upped apps after a full reset of your device.