About くまモンのAR
1. くまモンの絵や写真を用意します。
2. アプリ起動後、「ARカメラ起動」をタップして、ARカメラを起動します。
3. ARカメラを起動した状態で、1.で用意したくまモンにかざすと、3Dのくまモンが表示されます。
4. 右下の「向き変更」ボタンを押すとくまモンの向きがかわります。
5. 左上のカメラボタンをタップしてくまモン写真を保存できます。SNSで共有することもできます。
設定 -> プライバシー -> 写真 -> くまモンのAR を許可
設定 -> Twitter サインイン
設定 -> Facebook サインイン
※拡張現実(かくちょうげんじつ、英: Augmented Reality、AR)とは、人が知覚する現実環境をコンピュータにより拡張する技術、およびコンピュータにより拡張された現実環境そのものを指す言葉。
使用許可番号 ©2010 kumamoto pref. kumamon#12123
ver 1.1.1 不具合を修正
ver 1.1.0 ユーザーインターフェースをリニューアル、共有機能追加、使い方ページ修正
ver 1.0.6 軽微不具合修正
ver 1.0.5 「こんにちは」アニメーション追加, 認識性能向上
ver 1.0.4 使用許可番号の修正
ver 1.0.3 オートフォーカス非対応機種向けに設定変更
ver 1.0.2 タブレット向けに設定変更
ver 1.0.1 カメラロゴ表示部修正
ver 1.0.0 新規リリース
******* popular character (Yuru-Chara) kumamon of AR (augmented reality) app.
Goods and such as T-shirts, handkerchief-clear files of kumamon in everyday life, kumamon When you use the application to print to appear are likely to 3D, you can together to photography.
Because everywhere can shoot, you can take a variety of photos, depending on ideas.
Captured photo is also available as it is shared on Twitter and Facebook.
In proportion to the size of the picture and photos kumamon to read, it appears kumamon also size changes, you can change the orientation of the kumamon at the touch of a button.
● [Usage]
1. Prepare a picture and photos kumamon.
If close to there, please download it from the following URL.
2. After application start-up, tap the "AR camera start-up", to start the AR camera.
3. In the state that started the AR camera, 1. When held up to the prepared kumamon in, 3D Nokumamon appears.
4. You can change the orientation of the kumamon When you press the "reorientation" button in the lower right.
When you move a large kumamon will be huge kumamon.
5. You can save the kumamon photo by tapping the top left of the camera button. You can also share in the SNS.
You can turn off the water mark of the camera screen When you purchase a "logo release".
Start the application, various, try holding up to kumamon!
AR (augmented reality) kumamon to display!
Share the best shot in the Twitter and Facebook!
※ storage of photos and for sharing ※
Save the photo to share it will be necessary to set the terminal.
And saved
Settings -> Privacy - permit> kumamon of AR -> Photos
And sharing (twitter)
Settings -> Twitter Sign In
And sharing (facebook)
Settings -> Facebook Sign-in
※ Augmented Reality (magnificent reality, UK: Augmented Reality, AR) and a technique to extend the reality environment in which people are perceived by the computer, and the word to refer to the augmented reality environment itself by a computer.
※ kumamon is a Kumamoto Prefecture PR mascot character Kumamoto prefectural government has been deployed in the "Kumamoto Surprise" campaign since 2010. Yuru-Chara Grand Prix 2011 champion.
Use permit number © 2010 kumamoto pref. Kumamon # 12123
★ update information ★
ver 1.1.1 fixes a bug
Renewed ver 1.1.0 user interface, sharing capabilities add, how to use the page modification
ver 1.0.6 minor bug fixes
ver 1.0.5 "Hello" animation added, recognition performance improvement
Modification of ver 1.0.4 use permit number
Configuration changes to the ver 1.0.3 auto-focus non-compatible models for
Configuration changes to the ver 1.0.2 for tablets
ver 1.0.1 camera logo display unit fixes
ver 1.0.0 New Release
by T####: