Asma' Abdul Jabar

Asma' Abdul Jabar Free App

Rated 5.00/5 (1) —  Free Android application by Pangeran Walang Sungsang


About Asma' Abdul Jabar

Assalamu 'alaikum Wr..Wb

Pengertian secara bahasa/lughah “Abdul” berarti makhluk atau ghaib, sedangkan “Jabbar”adalah nama Allah termasuk dalam Asmaul Husna yang artinya Maha Perkasa.

Namun bila kata ‘Abdul dan Jabbar disatukan mempunyai arti baru. ‘Abdul Jabbar adalah salah satu nama Allah terdapat dalam Asmaul Adzom atau nama yang agung.

Dikalangan pecinta ilmu hikmah, ilmu ini tidaklah asing lagi dari para ulama-ulama khos, ilmu ini sebagai dasar dari semua Asma dan hijib, disamping mudah penguasaannya juga tanpa puasa.

Terdapat Artikel Lainnya Didalam Aplikasi ini

= Pelet Pemanis Bicara
= Asma’ Samawat
= Amalan & Do'a Nabi Daud A.s
= Asma'ul Haq
= Ilmu Shalawat Taisir
= Asma Safir Adam A.S
= Asma' Tapak Sakti
= Asma Ashaa Musa
= Asma’ Suryniyyah
= Asma' Nur Akasyah
= Asma' Tammah
= Ilmu Baju Besi ( Ghaib )
= Asma Al-Baqiyatush Shalihat
= Amalan Indra Ke-6
= Asma Sedot Benda Bertuah
= Asma' Ruhul Jizim
= Ilmu Nabi Khidir untuk kecerdasan
= Amalan Maqalad as-Samawati wal-Ardl
= Asma' Malaikat Dlohirmir
= Dll

Semoga Bermanfaat & Insha Allah Berkah

Wa 'alaikum Salam Wr..Wb Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings

To fully understand the language / lughah "Abdul" means beings or supernatural, while "Jabbar" is the name of God included in the Beautiful Names, which means Mighty.

But if the word 'Abdul Jabbar united and have a new meaning. 'Abdul Jabbar is one of the names of God contained in Asmaul Adzom or glorious name.

Among lovers of science lessons, science is not familiar of the scholars khos, this science as the basis of all the Asthma and hijib, in addition to easy mastery also without fasting.

There More Articles In This Application

= Pellets Sweeteners Talk
= Asma Samawat
= Practice & Benediction Nabi Daud U.S.
= Asma'ul Haq
= Science segue Taisir
= Asthma Adam Safir U.S.
= Asma 'Tread Way
= Asthma Ashaa Musa
= Asma Suryniyyah
= Asma Nur Akasyah
= Asma Tammah
= Science Armor (unseen)
= Asma Al-Baqiyatush shalihat
= Practice Indra All 6
= Asthma Suck Sorcerer Benda
= Asma Ruhul Jizim
= Science Nabi Khidir for intelligence
= Practice Maqalad as-Samawati wal-ARDL
= Asma 'Angel Dlohirmir
= Etc.

Hopefully Helpful and Insha Allah's Blessing

Wa Alaikum Salam Wr..Wb

How to Download / Install

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Android package: com.ponpesalahzar.asmaabduljabar, download Asma' Abdul Jabar.apk

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