PolitiFact's : Settle It! for Android
Rather, as All FOX listeners, Republicans & credulous Trump voters all know...from the bottom of their guts (the body part "normal" conservative "deciders" like Dubya & a lot of the reviewers of this app use to do their "decidin'") TRUTH....has a LIBERAL bias!* * tip o' the hat to Steven Colbert
I have used this app for a while now and so far I have not found anything that indicated partisanship of any kind. Everything is fair and detailed. If you're looking for facts you'll love it. If you're looking for something to validate your conspiracy theories, you probably won't love it.
This app is great! Some people say it's one sided, but you have to use the app to look up things. So if you think liberals are wrong look and see. If you think conservatives are wrong look it up! A perfect app for the time we live in!!
If you get your news from Facebook, the National Enquirer or Breitbart, everything will sound like lies. The difference is their research is sourced at the bottom of the page (for those who do not know what "sourced" means, think of it as the ingredients on the side of the cereal box).
Does basically nothing but call Trump a liar in every single story it rates, but Hillary Clinton is ALWAYS truthful in ALL her statements. I guess it's only Congress, & the FBI she has a problem telling the truth to! It also goes on and on about there being no proof that HRC engaged in pay to play while SOS. I guess that's again like the FBI didn't have enough evidence to indict her either. If you're looking for a pro Clinton, Trump bashing echo chamber, this apps for you.
Had to download because people were saying it's a liberal app geared toward Hillary. Nope, Trump just lie's or makes up that much that much crap.
My entire reason for downloading app was, I don't want to keep Politifact website open in browser all the time. It would improve the app enormously if the articles had direct links to the Politifact figures they mention, like they include links to every other source they name.
People are upset because they're in denial of all of Donald's lies.
Of the Democrats were putting out as much crap as the Republicans are there story's would be all over this app too. But right now it is the Republicans that are all in the news!
This app and the people behind it are for one political party. It you look at the info they are wrong about one fact that needs to be look at closely due to 5 media organizations have reported the same facts. I rate this app and it's info "Pants On Fire"!
Good for fact checking, but the challenge game is annoying because it differentiates between false and pants on fire. Silly, but still frustrating.
Missing diagrams and text emphasis. No way to switch to the web version of a page to see them. No way to give in-app feedback.
I happen to like this source and read it online but the app is not updating the last article is on January and it is March now.
Towards the left. They do have a LOT more facts against republicans and the right. It's annoying but they do have some against the left. Not balanced
Left wing BS.... Data must be supplied by CNN. Search Antifa... Nothing here nothing on CNN.
Geared towards sheep who blindly follow social causes and free stuff.
Dumbass questions with Dumbass answers for brainwashed Americans. Worst political app I have seen so far and I seriously doubt it can get worse.
This is liberal BS bottled in an app.
Fun way to access Politifact's info, which is generally correct
Liberal bias.
Liberal crap
About time
Quizzes are fun
Great app
Wow, do you ever have an agenda. You and your staff are so hard left, you probably remove the right turn signal from your car so you never have to turn right. I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I am an independent who likes to see objective people on websites like this. Unfortunately, that would not be you folks. What a shame.
Fact checking is good. The Challenge game mechanism is horrible- the questions take longer to read an vet than the time allows.
Most liberal and Hillary supporting app ever.
It does what it says.
Dishonest app to the core.
Thanks for making this app... Now you can fact check people on the spot. Even though some folks don't believe in facts...
by D####:
This app is great! The people saying that fact checkers are biased toward liberalism maybe haven't considered that that liberals are just right about more things. They don't base their world views on crazy made up things like gods and a book written by angry, horny primitives. Are they right about everything? Of course not and they lie constantly just like the conservatives do.