About SeismicPro QC
Seismic QC Free is the first multi-purpose geophysical calculator and seismic reference used for the quality control and design of seismic exploration surveys.
1. 2D FOLD = Calculation of 2D attribute data, fold, offset, bin size and roll on distances.
2. 3D FOLD = Calculation of 3D attribute data, fold, offset, bin size, source and receiver densities.
3. ARRAY DATA = Design of field arrays based on reflection data considerations for both zero, up dip and down dip shooting scenarios.
4. ARRAY NOISE = Design of field arrays targeting noise cancellation based on noise data characteristics.
5. BIN SIZE = Design of subsurface bin size for temporal, lateral and noise based considerations.
6 DATASEIS = Calculations of recorded data size based on recording format characteristics.
7. DECIBELS = Conversion from dB to Amplitude and Amplitude to dB tool.
8. EVENTS = Calculation of event characteristics, frequency, velocity and wavelength from field records techniques.
9. MIGRATION = Design of migration aperture for structural, diffraction energy and Fresnel radius considerations.
10. NYQUIST = Conversion of sampling interval to nyquist and nyquist to sampling interval tool.
11. OCTAVES = Conversion of bandwidth to octaves tool.
12. RECORD = Design of recording length to ensure maximum offset data capture.
13. REFLECTION = Calculation of reflection coefficient based on two layer characteristics.
14. SWEEP = Redesign of linear sweep based on new frequency range and original sweep attributes to preserve power while optimising sweep efficiency.
15. VELOCITY = Calculation of interval velocity for two layer scenario.
16. VIBROSEIS = Calculation of vibroseis S/N sweep improvement and redesign of sweep based on change in number of vibrators available, power or sweep length modifications.
17. FIELD RECORD = Handy field stylised reference used to identify events and corresponding characteristic velocities which can be typically found on raw seismic records.
18. FORMATIONS = Quick reference of P wave, S wave and formation densities associated with most commonly occurring seismic reflectors and refractors.
19. GEOLOGICAL TIME = Quick guide reference of geological time periods.
20. OGP & IAGC = Quick links to land and marine safety standards and documentation. Hi potential incident listings, land safety manuals, OGP and IAGC reference publications.
21. SEG POLARITY – Quick guide reference and links to SEG polarity standards for recording systems, field receivers and vibrator hardwires and tests.
22. VIBRATION STANDARDS – Common vibration standards and effects used in determining minimum offset standards for dynamite and vibroseis operations. Quick links to DIN and ISO standards.
23. BID DESIGN – Online request for tendering & contract design services for land & transition seismic exploration surveys.
24. CONSULTANTS - Online request for seismic project managers, operations coordinators, operational QC’s and safety supervisors.
25. INDUSTRY NEWS = Quick links and RSS feeds for industry news on exploration, production, finance, USGS, SEG, EAGE and crew activity websites.
26. SEISMIC JOBS = RSS feed for seismic job listings for Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe and CIS, Middle East, North America and South America.
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