About 人潮通P-MAPx
2.本服務之人潮演算資料來源主要以政府Open data為主,人潮變動原因複雜,且每人對擁擠的定義不同,因此會讓部分使用者在期望上有些許誤差,但我們會致力不斷提升精準度的。
粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/pmapx/ Taiwan offers more than 150 popular sites crowds status display for easy trips you can refer to during the planning use.
Crowds status color-coded: red: maximum number of orange: an increasing number of people, the green light: the number of ordinary blue lights: Minimum number of gray light: attractions closed in.
Service Description
1. "All the details of interest", "search" to complete the sign-in as a member after use.
2. The crowd calculus Source services mainly to government Open data mainly due to changes in the crowd complex and different for each person crowded definition, so some users will expect some error on, but we will strive to continuously improve accuracy of.
At present, the service is still in the testing phase, where it is proposed on other desired services, please leave a message, thanks
Fans: https: //www.facebook.com/pmapx/