About Niho
《Niho》是款結合擴增實境(AR)與玩具互動的APP,除了能讓用戶立即體驗AR的魅力外,還能享受到百貨商城,的購買樂趣,更能透過內建的聊天社群與朋友們互相分享、討論,倘若有其相關問題,可以透過線上客服系統,將會有專人為您服務。 "Niho" is a combination of money Augmented Reality (AR) and interactive toys APP, in addition to allowing users to immediately experience the charm of AR, but also enjoy a department store, to buy the fun, more community through the built-in chat share with friends with each other, discuss, if there are related issues which may be through the online customer service system, there will be someone to serve you.