PixWords Answers and Help for Android
- The application PXWords with www.pxwords.com website helps you find unknown words from PixWords game.
You can choose multiple search criteria, after the author's image, after the word, character length and beyond.
*You can get PixWords Help or PixWords answers on your mobile directly.
How do I search by author of unknown word picture?
- Easy. When you do not know the word, click on the image of the game that you do not know the word and you can see on image the author's name. Type that name on the PXWords application or on our site www.pxwords.com and you will see a result of that image or author searched.
As results, you will have images. Images where you will find the author's name and immediately after,with a little bold, the searched word .
Can i contact other game players?
Not for now, but in a very short time this skill will be placed on site and on the PXWORDS application.
Няма български!
Whenever I try to search for a word it tells me that it can't find the server and to check my internet connection (which is just fine, strong signal on wi-fi and all). Uninstalled and reinstalled several times, same issue.
Why not add Bulgarian?
Pix words
by M####:
keeps loading and loading