About Info Water Kingdom
Water Kingdom Mekarsari family aquatic adventure park menyediakan berbagai fasilitas rekreasi yang mendidik dan menyehatkan dengan menggabungkan prinsip bermain (play), pendidikan jasmani (physical education), olahraga (sport), rekreasi (recreation) dan ritme gerak manusia dalam zona kenyamanan (leisure).
Sebagai wahana rekreasi yang dihadirkan untuk keluarga, beragam fasilitas untuk berbagai usia, seperti toddler pool, wave pool, olympic pool, leisure pool, kiddy pool dan splash plaza juga tersedia dengan berbagai keistimewaannya. Water Kingdom menyediakan beragam jenis makanan dan minuman di gerai-gerai yang tersebar di deretan restaurant, juice bar, food stall, coffee shop dan food court. Water Kingdom Mekarsari family aquatic adventure park provides recreational facilities that educate and nourish by combining the principles of play (play), physical education (physical education), sport (sport), recreation (recreation) and rhythm human motion in a comfort zone (leisure).
As a recreational vehicle that is presented to the family, a variety of facilities for all ages, such as toddler pool, wave pool, olympic pool, leisure pool, kiddy pool and splash plaza is also available with various merits. Water Kingdom provides a variety of foods and beverages at outlets spread across a row of restaurants, juice bars, food stalls, coffee shop and food court.