Tecnomyl for Android
Posee actualmente curasemillas, fungicidas, herbicidas e insecticidas en cultivos de soja, maíz, trigo, girasol, pasturas, arroz y fruti-hortícolas.
Ubica entre las 3 primeras empresas del mercado boliviano, busca expandir sus negocios a países como Brasil, Uruguay, Colombia, Venezuela y México con más de 80 de productos registrados, con certificaciones internacionales de ISO 9001:2008 e ISO 14.001:2004
This application was developed to create a new way of providing product information.Currently it has curasemillas, fungicides, herbicides and insecticides on soybeans, corn, wheat, sunflower, pasture, rice and fruit-vegetable.
Ranks among the top 3 companies in the Bolivian market, is looking to expand their business to countries like Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, Venezuela and Mexico with more than 80 registered products with international certifications of ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 14001: 2004