Domino's Pizza Indonesia for Android
I've been ordering several times via mobile app & so far no trouble at all, easy to use & can keep track the delivery from inside the app which is useful, plus the promotions are up to date (added bonus there).
Great apps for those who want to have fast delivery you think? that what I thought at first, but then an hour after the order a call came in from Dominos asking for delivery address and the delivery man is still at store. So, I asked them to make a new pizza since I am not ordering cold pizza. Where is this service you are talking about? What good of an apps if it tooks TWO HOURS to get pizza.
Short story. Im using asus z5. All pages after the home are surely broken, the login screen, menu, order, and else. Its all a mess... Maybe you should fix it... Me and my friend was going to order from you for our late night meals tho... So see ypu another late night
Nice app but sometimes error occured n u cant place order online so u have to call them instead. Good food, lots of promo, good n fast service.
The app not informative, UI is bad, no online payment. Pizza taste so bland, lack of aroma, rice okay tho, taro milk is my favorite tho~
Now i can fill my address properly, tho its kinda confusing form. But today i cant place any order in my cart, its always empty.
Lemotnya minta ampun, dr buka app, login sampe mw order. Kayanya dr dulu appnya g da perubahan dalam hal lemotnya. Mw order jd males..
Nyari alamat rumah sendiri aja hampir sejam dan itu ga nemu. Akhirnya nebeng perumahan tetangga dan ga dikonfirmasi lagi pesananannya serta alamatnya dari pihak domino. Tolong diperbaiki. Mau mudah malah bikin repot buyers
Sucks..order not confirmed on app i had to confirm on the store once again..i repeatedly encounter problems with domino app and others...30 minutes delivery my ass.. always late..always pizza stuck in the box..never hot and always comes dry..why cant we pay by credit card back to the past system..its d last of domino orders..back to pizza in d mall..
Anything else looks ok but this has been for quite a long time, more than 1 year.
masa iya mesti di telepon dulu baru pesanan nya dibikinin? guna nya aplikasi apa kalo bukan buat mempermudah konsumen dalam memesan? malah dipersulit, jangankan dikirim, dibikin aja engga, aplikasi bodoh ini, Domino'z Pizza Indonesia sangat buruk, pantes aja jual murah, pelayanan nya sangat sangat buruk
I don't have to talk to people... which s nice... i'm not saying i don't like people , i just have trouble when it comes to.... talking ._.
Parah ini aplikasi masukin alamat aja berjam jam ga bisa. Liat promo juga nunggu berjam jam pdhl pakai wifi juga n jaringan 4g
Dengan app ini order doninos jadi gampang. Menurut saya perlu perbaikan di proses order supaya tdk bolak balik masuk/keluar menu
Isi Dari Menu Promotion Seringkali Tidak Keluar atau Terlalu Lama Keluarnya dan Tidak Bisa Keluar Melalui Tombol Back Pada Smartphone Secara Langsung, Semoga Bisa Diperbaiki, Thx.
Bad. It load slowly, sometimes the menu not even shows up. And i can't order, often crashing
App is easy to use although some of the promotions don't allow you freedom to choose pizzas you really want.
Good apps. But resetting my password can be a pain... Too long to receive the email
It's easier to manage your order and always has great discounts. Best way to get pizza in Indonesia without having to hassle on phone. Beats pizza hut delivery everytime.
It is very not user friendly. Add animation for swapping pages. Stop loading for every single thing.
Its really difficult to log in. It is to many of lag n error
Pizza trackernya tempelan doang, pesanan gak diproses tetep di preparation terus. Akhirnya harus ditelpon dulu, udah gitu sampe 2 kali kroscek alamatnya. UXnya buruk ini mah, ada apps malah nyusahin
Setiap setelah login, menu Promotions selalu hilang, kalau logout malah ada menu Promotionsnya. Pas nyoba Order by Guest, pas pilih Street/Buildingnya, listnya ga bisa diklik, alhasil kolom City/Region dan Postcode tetap kosong, dan kedua kolom tersebut read-only jadinya ga bisa diketik manual. Versi webnya pun juga sama aja, selalu loading setiap pilih Address. Malah jadi ga nyaman
Dari buka aplikasi udah lemot, login lama. Tampilan ga bagus dan bikin ribet. Buat order doang susahnya minta ampun. Mau sign up susah bgt, login salah mulu padahal udah bener semua.
Sebenarnya ini aplikasi yang bagus karena saya pernah pake di Jakarta tapi sayang di Cimahi tidak ada store Dominos di app ini, cuma ada yg di bandung dan itu jauh #anakpinggiran
Performance very bad, very slowly. User experience very poor. Make it faster and easy to use.
area pengantaran punya batas limit, sangat mengecewakan sekali, padahal pesanan sudah dibuat, dan sudah siap antar. batas limit daerah antaran dng rumah sy sangat dekat sekali, tp pihak domino lebih memilih membatalkan pesanan yg sudah sy buat!! sekiranya untuk domino bisa mempertimbangkan hal ini, percuma diadakan pesan antar jika mempunyai batas pengiriman
Domino antapani bandung nolak order, aladannya sistem error, lwt tlf jg gak mau terima
Yooo. Yg mengarahkan pesanan ke storenya kan situ. Sekarang g mau nganter karena katanya kejauhan. Bego banget sih
Easy to use. But the transisition between pages and scrooling could be smoother...thanks
delivery address information not user friendly, rigid, can't find my address, ssystem sucks
Too many things are wrong with this app. I'm totally going for Pizza Hut.
In the app we can get more promotion
Very easy to use, time-saving. I could make pizza orders on the go with just a few clicks. Very helpful
Please review buat area input. Kenpa ga disesuaiin sma google maps. Masa narogong molek 2 aja ga ketemu
Have ordered pizza couple times via app and always satisfied. Really an easy-to-use app, no trouble at all.
Aeperti sebelumnya, appnya ok, tapi si pengirim sudah set completed padahal pizza belum terkirim (mungkin demi kpi)
Alamat ga lengkap, di Kota yg ada cabang Dominosnya aja ga ada di daftar kota untuk pengisian alamat pengiriman.
when I am clicking on prrmotion not getting any deals.. Just got blank.. Worst app
by Q####:
It does work very well, just a few days ago i make an order from this app online, pizza was delivery smoothly around 19 - 21 minutes, payment via debit bca and driver do not forget to bring edc, pizza tracker works very well, satisfied 5 out 5, good service, repeat order? Yes, very sure via app online again, well done thank you Dominos Pizza ID, good job your team work, IT team and operational team, cheers