Perawatan burung kacer mabung for Android
bulu bulu kecil berjatuhan 1-4 helai dan biasanya esok harinya akan tampak lebih banyak lagi.
- bulu tampak kusam dan tak hitam mengkilap lagi.
- burung tak bergairah dan malas untuk berbunyi.
- mata terlihat sayu dengan tatapan kosong.
Untuk para pemain dan perawat mungkin sudah banyak yang mengerti dengan kondisi burung kacer seperti ini, akan tetapi kadang malah dibawa ke gantangan agar lekas ambrol, prilaku ini sebenarnya kurang tepat, pasalnya jika burung yang mengalami kondisi seperti ini hendaknya diistirahatkan dan butuh perhatian khusus, jika sudah terlihat burung kacer anda dengan ciri ciri diatas hendaknya;
Moult or ngurak is a natural cycle that is experienced by all birds including kacer. In this phase of such birds must be super extra care so that the process start to finish moult running smoothly. Many of the players who understand caring for birds kacer being moult, but could not understand from an early start to regrow feathers moult their feathers, sometimes too there is a successful growing fur but could not make the bird kacer appear when brought to court.FEATURES FEATURES BIRD WILL HAVE kacer moult / ngurak.
small feathers fell 1-4 strands and usually the next day will seem a lot more.
- Fur looks dull and shiny black again.
- Birds lackluster and lazy to go off.
- Eyes look glazed with a blank stare.
For the players and nurses may have a lot to understand the condition of the birds kacer like this, but sometimes even brought to gantangan so quickly collapsed, this behavior is not appropriate, saying that if the birds are experiencing these conditions should be rested and need special attention, if kacer've seen your bird with the characteristic features above should be;