Anime Watchlist for Android
Using the application you can:
* Check for new episodes for your ongoing anime with a single touch.
* Keep lists of the anime you are currently watching, the anime you want to keep in mind to watch later and the ones you have already watched.
* Browse anime rated by users.
* Check out the anime of the upcoming season or any season since 2005.
* Share your favorite anime through facebook.
From the newcomer in anime genre to the anime veteran, Anime Watchlist will help you keep track of your anime or find new anime to watch. The application contains tons of constantly updated information about anime scrapped from across the web presented in a user friendly way.Using the application you can:
* Check for new episodes for your ongoing anime with a single touch.
* Keep lists of the anime you are currently watching, the anime you want to keep in mind to watch later and the ones you have already watched.
* Browse anime rated by users.
* Check out the anime of the upcoming season or any season since 2005.
* Share your favorite anime through facebook.