About 儿童管家
儿童管家是为了家长更好地保护孩子而设计的一款产品。孩子通过佩戴儿童管家的硬件产品收集位置、录音等信息,家长则可以通过App查看孩子的活动轨迹,即使不在孩子身边也可以随时随地了解孩子的动向,并可以向儿童管家发起录音,以便更好地了解孩子目前所处的环境。产品配有蓝牙随行功能,开启此功能后,当孩子离开家长身边,App客户端就会发出警告,让陪同孩子出行的家长更省心。 Children's housekeeper for parents to better protect children and the design of a product. Children's children by wearing housekeeper hardware product collection location, recording information, parents can be viewed through App children's activities trajectory, even if not around the child can understand the child's movements at any time, and can initiate recording steward to children in order to better understanding of the current environment in which the child. Products equipped with Bluetooth accompanying feature, this feature is turned on, when the children leave the parents around, App client will send a warning, so that parents accompany children to travel more peace of mind.