About Improv
Tired of spend time navigating between menus since you find your target?
Improv is here to solve this and save you so much time that you will be able to spend it doing another more important things than this!
It's very easy to get this: Draw a path in Improv to execute at insanely speed a preset action associated with your trace, and thanks to this, see how you make the things up to 5 times faster.
Currently, when you crete a new shortcut you can chose between:
-Call a picked contact or preset number
-Add reminders
-Create new contacts quickly
-Open applications
-Open websites
-Play preset artists or songs
-Set alarms
-Toggle Wifi
-Toggle Bluetooth
-Set your device in standby mode
-Open WhatsApp conversations with a picked contacts
-And a lot of more actions coming soon
But this isn't all: also from Improv’s Action Menu you can create instantly reminders and add them to your notifications center, so from now you will be always at day!
So If you want to be better in all, get Improv right now! What are you waiting for?