About Pal Email
Pal Email is a utility app which makes it easy to send emails to multiple recipients with addresses currently on your smart phone. Pressing the ”Select Recipient" button brings up a menu containing an alphabetical list of all email addresses on your smart phone. If you type additional names into the recipient list, this menu will give information for rapid completion of an email address-- a list of available domain names on your phone and also a list of common domain extensions. Any new recipients you add will be included in future menus.
Example of usage:
To make this process easier, typing in a few letters followed by pressing the "Select Recipient" button will select from your list all items that match your letters. For example: To find Edwin Tubar’s email address (etubar@njp.edu), I typed in "tu" on the "Email of Recipient" line. When I pressed "Select Recipient", it only found one entry that matched a name or an email address that started with "tu". It there were more, it would have given me a longer list to choose from.
After choosing an item in the list, it puts the email address into the "Email of Recipient" line and puts the name of the recipient in the "Name of Recipient" line. Notice that it moved the email up a line so you have room to type in more recipients if you so choose.
If you type in "etubar@", the app will give you a list to help you to complete this address. Typing "etubar@njp." will give you a list of extensions from which to choose. Neither list is complete, but is taken from email addresses found on your smart phone.
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