Sunday Sport

Sunday Sport Free App

Rated 3.55/5 (111) —  Free Android application by Sunday Sport (2011) Ltd.

About Sunday Sport

The world’s most outrageous newspaper is now available on your tablet or phone!
That’s right folks, thanks to the new SUNDAY SPORT app, you can get hold of the newspaper that the whole world’s talking about – without leaving your home.
Whether it’s tramps doing shocking things with dogs in return for Quavers or sales managers performing unspeakable acts with Gregg’s pasties, Sunday Sport is the newspaper with exclusives the other papers DARE not print.
You can download the app for free and then- for just £2.99 a month- you can enjoy Sunday Sport on your phone or tablet!
And there’s more!
You get to see the most beautiful girls in amazing High Definition clarity and you can use the touch screen on your device to zoom RIGHT IN.
The internet’s favourite newspaper has never looked better!
With the Sunday Sport app, you get exactly what’s in the newspaper PLUS loads of amazing extras such as hilarious videos and even MORE babes.
Your Sunday Sport app is searchable and you can use the page selector to go straight to your favourite feature.
It’s also downloadable so you can read it on the go.
Prices are £2.99 per month - that’s a whopping 25 per cent cheaper than buying the newspaper at the newsagent.

- Save pounds every month
- Amazing zoomable pictures
- Unbelievable clarity
- The sexiest girls
- The funniest stories
- The best celebrity babes
- Stunning videos

How to Download / Install

Download and install Sunday Sport version 1.1 on your Android device!
Downloaded 10,000+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package: com.pagesuite.droid.thesundaysport, download Sunday Sport.apk

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Android app

App History & Updates

What's Changed
Essential update
Version update Sunday Sport was updated to version 1.1
More downloads  Sunday Sport reached 10 000 - 50 000 downloads
More downloads  Sunday Sport reached 5 000 - 10 000 downloads

What are users saying about Sunday Sport

by D####:

Login doesn't work

by D####:

Great news paper

by M####:


by N####:

Won't let me login to read anything just says login unsuccessful when I try to login

by M####:

www sunday. Spot uk

by X####:

by D####:

www sunday. Spot uk

by Q####:

Very good

by Q####:

I like how you can zoom in and out and picture quality is perfection at its best so now I can read my paper in privately and thank you for your most excellent app.

by Q####:

www sunday. Spot uk

by Q####:

I love babes.

by U####:

The Sunday Sport app is really easy to use, you can quickly zoom in and out to see exactly what you want, and speedily browse through the paper to get to your favourite stuff. I use it on my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 mostly when I'm out and about but it also works great on my Android Tablet at home. It's your favourite newspaper - on your phone, for a whole month, for less than the price of a pint of beer. Perfect!

by Y####:

A magnificent achievement. Works perfectly on my Asus tablet and Samsung electrical telephone. Perfect for those who cannot get to the newsagent on account of idleness, confinement or infirmity.

by V####:

Excellent app. Downloaded it to my Samsung S4 and it works seamlessly. Hi res PDF style flip thru of the pages with far superior colour from the print edition. Hilarious headlines and top babes as ever!

by D####:

Really impressed. All the funny crazy stuff plus the girls are zoomable. It works really well too, had it a week and used it loads with no problems. Well worth the money.

by T####:

Lol getting to grips as I type.

by R####:

A really good App, works flawlessly on my Lexus phone and my tablet. You can zoom right in on the models and easily read all the stories. Recommended to everyone who loves looking at fit birds!!

by D####:

Not free ???

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111 users







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