New Enciclopedia Vita Sessuale for Android
Importante: Le definizioni delle voci contenute all'interno dell'enciclopedia hanno solo un fine illustrativo: non costituiscono e non provengono né da prescrizione né da consiglio medico. L'autore dell'app non dà consigli medici. Le informazioni contenute in questa applicazione non devono in alcun modo sostituire il rapporto medico-paziente; si raccomanda di chiedere il parere del proprio medico prima di mettere in pratica qualsiasi consiglio o indicazione riportata.
The new encyclopedia now has a powerful filter for instant search of over 400 terms related to sex education with a complete list you can refer to quickly and compatible with versions 2.2 and later of Android. A valuable tool that not only caters to those who want to understand more about the technical-scientific and diseases related to the sexual sphere, but to all those who wish to learn at least the basics of the above diseases, because the best way to defend against them is to know them. A small encyclopedia, but with complete documentation (you are treated most popular and scientific terms related to sex education) where for some diseases is indicated the diagnosis, etiology and therapy. All definitions are treated with clarity and simplicity of presentation. A simple guide that is also the most important clinical pictures that relate to sexuality, issues that a few years ago they were offered only to "insiders".Important: The definitions of the entries in the encyclopedia are for illustrative purposes only: do not come and do not constitute either prescription or medical advice. The author of the app does not give medical advice. The information contained in this application should in no way replace the doctor-patient relationship, it is recommended to seek the advice of your doctor before starting any practical advice or indication given.