매일매일 만나는 오즈키즈

매일매일 만나는 오즈키즈$0.79

Rated 0.00/5 (0) —  Free Android application by Yun Young-Han

About 매일매일 만나는 오즈키즈

재미있는 어린이 영어놀이학습, 프린트학습지가 가득한 “유아/초등영어”
유아/초등학생을 위한 총 75편의 영어 동영상을 만나 보실수 있습니다.

1. 소개
오즈키즈 Lite (3종 컨텐츠 제공)
- 상황영어 / 영어동화 / 영어노래 / 단어장 제공

오즈키즈 유료버전 (72종 컨텐츠 제공)
* 상황영어 : 키즈톡톡(8편) / 패밀리 톡톡(8편) / 도로시의 일기(8편)
가) 키즈톡톡
How are you today? He's my father. What's your name? Where are you?
What's this? Where do you live? What time is it? Do you like basketball?
나) 패밀리 톡톡
Wake up. Where is my green hat? Breakfast is ready! I'm going to kindergarten.
Take your umbrella. I'm home. I'm hungry. I'm okay.
다) 도로시의 일기
Museum, Going Fishing, Our puppy, Birthday Present
Swimming pool, Studying English, Catching a cold, My classmate

* 영어동화 : 귀여운 피기(8편) / 깜찍한 버니(8편) / 이솝우화(8편)
가) 귀여운 피기
What is Piggy eating? Cows give us fresh milk. The fly really bothers me.
A ghost is scary. Frog is afraid of snake. What can you see in the sea?
The ground is crawling with ants. Piggy's nap
나) 깜찍한 버니
Bunny wants to buy a toy. Bunny was late for school. Bunny went to the North.
Mom loves my brother more than me. Cars are very important.
My happy family. I like my friends. Bunny is a naughty boy.
다) 이솝우화
The wolf and the goat. The horns and legs of the deer. The big prideful fish.
The regret of the one-eyed deer. The little goat and the wolf.
The eagle and the arrow. The excuse of the trumpeter. The old lady and her maid

* 영어노래 :
가) 신나는 노래
Fidelifee. I love little pussy. Two little eyes. Sing a rainbow. Sammy thumb
Jill is wearing a light blue dress. Sing a rainbow. Fidelifee

나) 우스운 노래
One, two, three, four, five. Ten green bottles. Nobody likes me.
Ten in the bed. Nobody likes me. He's got the whole world. Alice the camel
Button, you must wander.
다) 조용한 노래
Red, red is the rose. Jack and Jill. One finger one thumb. Red, red is the rose.
The animals went in. Good morning. Oh, Lord in heaven. Thank you, Lord

* 단어장 (200여 단어제공)

2. 저작권 및 고객문의
본 72종의 콘텐츠의 저작권은 씨앤에이(주) 에 있습니다.
컨텐츠 도용 및 변조 배포는 민.형사상의 처벌을 받을 수 있습니다.
오즈키즈 고객문의전화 : 080-363-0505

How to Download / Install

Download and install 매일매일 만나는 오즈키즈 version 1.0 on your Android device!
APK Size: 7 MB, downloaded 50+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package: com.ozkids, download 매일매일 만나는 오즈키즈.apk

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App History & Updates

Price update  Price changed from $1.06 to $0.79.
Price update  Price changed from $0.79 to $1.06.
Price update  Price changed from $1.06 to $0.79.
More downloads  매일매일 만나는 오즈키즈 reached 50 - 100 downloads

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