About Oyekhote
Oyekhote provides high level features / Requirements for all components to build complete E2E food delivery solution. The platform will work based on real time data flow across website and mobile applications involving different type of users – Customer / Restaurant / Delivery executive and Oyekhote administrative team. It will be a multi-tier architecture based platform where there will be a central system which shall hold all meta data / transactional data and configuration details. Client or server will be receiving and sending various notifications, events, alerts via various APIs and Interfaces across Website and other Mobile Application components to a specific group of people as defined.
‘Oyekhote Food Delivery App’ is an idea to enable customer to choose best of food from available Restaurants in his surroundings while promising the fastest delivery time. In this process all Customers, Restaurants and Delivery executives are highly integrated in a single platform and monitored under Oyekhote Administration team. The solution is simple and well organized way to enable customers for easy ordering of food and attain the day to day business needs for restaurants.
The solution aimed to move food business from traditional way of ordering and delivering to next level by applying right price of technology / tools in the current age of Internet.