Omah Pulsa for Android
Fitur-fitur yang tersedia di dalam aplikasi:
- Pengisian pulsa/pembelian token listrik
- Pembayaran tagihan pasca bayar (Listrik, PDAM, TELKOM, dll)
- Pembelian voucher internet
- Pembelian voucher game
- Fitur chat messenger yang terhubung langsung dengan engine server pulsa kami
- Fitur chat dengan customer service
- Cek saldo & informasi akun
- Cek harga realtime
- Penambahan saldo dengan sistem tiket
- Cek rekap history transaksi
- Cek rekap history perubahan saldo (transfer saldo, tambah saldo, transaksi, dll)
- Lihat agen downline beserta aktivitas transaksi agen downline
- Fitur mendaftarkan agen downline
- Transfer saldo ke agen downline
- dll
Fitur akan terus kami kembangkan agar dapat selalu dapat memberikan yang terbaik.
The features available in the application:
- Completion of pulses / purchase electricity tokens
- Payment of postpaid bills (electricity, PDAM, TELKOM, etc.)
- Purchase internet voucher
- Purchase vouchers game
- Features chat messenger that is connected directly to the engine of our toll server
- Features chat with customer service
- Check balances and account information
- Check price realtime
- Addition of balance with the ticketing system
- Check recap transaction history
- Check recap history changes the balance (balance transfers, plus balances, transactions, etc.)
- View agent transaction activity and their downline downline agent
- Features enrolled downline agents
- The balance transfer agent to downline
- Etc.
The feature will continue to develop in order to always be able to give their best.