ANB PULSA for Android
Fitur-fitur yang tersedia di dalam aplikasi:
- Pengisian pulsa/pembelian token listrik
- Pembayaran tagihan pasca bayar (Listrik, PDAM, TELKOM, dll)
- Pembelian voucher internet
- Pembelian voucher game
- Fitur chat messenger yang terhubung langsung dengan engine server pulsa kami
- Fitur chat dengan customer service
- Cek saldo & informasi akun
- Cek harga realtime
- Penambahan saldo dengan sistem tiket
- Cek rekap history transaksi
- Cek rekap history perubahan saldo (transfer saldo, tambah saldo, transaksi, dll)
- Lihat agen downline beserta aktivitas transaksi agen downline
- Fitur mendaftarkan agen downline
- Transfer saldo ke agen downline
- dll
Fitur akan terus kami kembangkan agar dapat selalu dapat memberikan yang terbaik.
The features available in the application:
- Completion of pulses / purchase electricity tokens
- Payment of postpaid bills (electricity, PDAM, TELKOM, etc.)
- Purchase internet voucher
- Purchase vouchers game
- Features chat messenger that is connected directly to the engine of our toll server
- Features chat with customer service
- Check balances and account information
- Check price realtime
- Addition of balance with the ticketing system
- Check recap transaction history
- Check recap history changes the balance (balance transfers, plus balances, transactions, etc.)
- View agent transaction activity and their downline downline agent
- Features enrolled downline agents
- The balance transfer agent to downline
- Etc.
The feature will continue to develop in order to always be able to give their best.
2 kali transaksi langsung error, kenapa yah? Tolong konfirmasi nya,, tidak ada data, sedangkan saldo saya masih bnyak
Aplikasinya sering force close,jd harus login lg,trus menu trx blm bisa dipake jd kalo trx hrs di mesenger,semoga secepetnya diperbaiki
Mantap boss.. usahakan harga tetap bersaing ya boss
Admin tolong donk follow up yg cepat... nama nya jasa biar service bagus... thank
by B####:
Terus tingkatkan kualitasy boos, untuk pelayanan dan kenyamanan castamer, utuk transaksi via whatsape sudah d tu2p y boos