About Body Mass Index
What is the Body Mass Index?
The body mass index is a parameter that indicates whether an adult human is normal to the height of the body. In the body mass index (VKE or VKI) table shown below, you can find out whether or not the weight of the body weight in kilograms and kilograms in meters is the ideal one. If your current weight is below or above your ideal weight, the way to achieve that weight is to lose weight or lose weight in the shortest amount of time, to provide healthy weight loss / gain and to keep this weight for long term.
How is the Body Mass Index calculated?
The body mass index is obtained by dividing your body weight by your height. The resulting value, the body mass index, is evaluated at the following intervals.
0-18.4: Weak
It shows you are not in proper weight according to your neck, you are weak. Weakness is a risk for some diseases and is undesirable. You need to be balanced enough to reach the right weight for your neck and take care to develop your eating habits.
18.5-24.9: Normal
Indicates that you are in proper weight according to your neck. Take care to preserve this weight by feeding adequately and balancedly and doing regular physical activity.
25.0-29.9: Overweight
According to your neck, your body weight is high. Overweight leads to obesity (obesity), a risk factor for many diseases if necessary precautions are not taken.
30.0-34.9: Fat (Obese) - Class I
According to your neck, your body weight is too high, in other words, you are fat. Obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension etc. Is a risk factor for chronic diseases. It is very important in terms of your health that you are attending to a health institution and attaining normal weight by weakening under the supervision of a physician / dietitian. Please contact your healthcare provider.
35.0-44.9: Fat (Obez) - II. Class
According to your neck, your body weight is too high, in other words, you are fat. Obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension etc. Is a risk factor for chronic diseases. It is very important in terms of your health that you are attending to a health institution and attaining normal weight by weakening under the supervision of a physician / dietitian. Please contact your healthcare provider.
45.0 and above: Excessive Obesity - III. Class
According to your neck, your body weight is too high, in other words, you are fat. Obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension etc. Is a risk factor for chronic diseases. It is very important in terms of your health that you are attending to a health institution and attaining normal weight by weakening under the supervision of a physician / dietitian. Please contact your healthcare provider