Operant Chamber App Student for Android
It aims to help in the understanding of the operant conditioning, you change the schedules of reinforcement and layout, by actually 'experience' it.
This app has prepared a Trial Edition and Pro Edition to the other.
Caution !
This app is translated into English an app that Japanese undergraduate one person was made in Japanese on its own, it has released. Such as part description and future updates the contents of the bug has not been translated into English. Please be careful when you buy.
Implementation function
・Settings for a single reinforcement schedule (All Editions).
・Settings for compound schedules (Student Edition and Pro Edition).
・Simulation experience of the experiment (All Editions).
・Layout change of the experiment (In Student Edition, it is possible to use the layout of Human, like Rat and like Pigeon, In Pro Edition, Experiment(like touch screen) layout is added in addition to Student Edition. ).
・Display and storage of raw data after the experiment. (Pro Edition only).
・Draw cumulative record (Student Edition and Pro Edition).
・Save cumulative record (Pro Edition only).
・Connection of Android™ and Arduino® (Pro Edition only).
・The use of variable schedule of value generation tool (Pro Edition only).
List of schedule that currently operating in this app (Pro Edition) .
◎Single schedule
◎Compound schedules
・alt, conj, interlock, tand, chain, mult, mix
◎Concurrent schedule
※Change over delay (COD) and terminal-link can not be specified now version.
n. b.
・The value that this app calculated can be erroneous.
・For damage or loss caused by the use of this app in scientific research, it does not take any responsibility.
・This app is not affiliated with the author of the institution.
・App development there is a case to be discontinued without notice.