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※ 태교음악 연동 Customized Portable Medicare handbook for pregnant mothers Park
Medicare handbook Park mother is pregnant custom portable notebook Offering all of the necessary information in the course of pregnancy, such as diaries, regular checkups alarm, emergency call setup.
1. Diary
Maternal and we have extended it so that you can easily enter and manage your baby's information.
2. checkups
Mom and Dad can we provide a schedule so you do not forget to go see the baby checkup date function.
3. Main discrimination information
Mom and Dad provide to shares classified as discriminatory if the child is going to do what I have to prepare during pregnancy increases.
4. Emergency telephone numbers
Emergency situations pre-registered or groom support, direct access to a phone with touch once to the hospital.
5. Set
You can find the settings for the ability to provide Medicare handbook mothers Park.
※ linked prenatal music