Friends Are Fun! HD

Friends Are Fun! HD$1.60

Rated 2.00/5 (1) —  Free Android application by OneSeventeen Media

About Friends Are Fun! HD

Friends Are Fun!™ is a delightfully engaging touch, tap and slide interactive story of how PeaceBoy™ learns to make friends. This playful and immersive app models how to be a good friend for children ages 2-8.

Parents, teachers and caring adults now have a creative way to engage children in meaningful conversations about what being a good friend means. And, Friends Are Fun! provides cognitive, language and motor development interactive memory games too.

Through the engaging, animated illustrations of digital artist Darci Mostaert with kitschy music from well-known children music artist Mr. Ray, Friends Are Fun! helps your child learn how to be a good friend and have fun while they learn.

As the first story in a series, Friends Are Fun! features the delightful journey with friendly Egg Head characters who learn what it means to be a good friend. The Friends Are Fun! ebook story, written by Sandy Uhland, longtime elementary school music teacher, was envisioned from her early childhood education experiences. Ms. Uhland noticed many key character messages needed to be taught and collaborated with OneSeventeen Media to create the Friends Are Fun! e-book series.

There are over 50 fun sound files, six interactive graphical tap sequences and three playful interactive mini games comprising a total of five levels all designed to teach and test cognitive motor and memory skills.


Promotes reading and helpful life skills and provides children two choices to improve reading skills and comprehension: (1) read to them or (2) read it themselves.


PeaceBoy is looking for a new friend. Children select from three choices of friendly characters – PunkyBoy™, Hula-hoopGirl™ or YodelBoy™ – to accompany him on his journey.

Along the way, he realizes the many fun things friends can do with each other and how to be a good friend “...even when it is dark, cold, rainy or scary.”

- A classic burp scene with an appropriate “excuse me” - sure to make children laugh and learn manners thru this teachable moment
-Engaging sound effects: PunkyBoy’s guitar riff, PeaceBoy’s “Groovy man”, YodelBoy’s hee-haws and hick ups and Hula-hoopGirl’s giggles.
-Children laughing, playing and applauding with ladybugs, flowers, frogs, blue birds, clouds sound effects
-Slide the bee-hive up to reveal a bumble bee and the blue bird up for an egg
-Tap the characters for a scarf and umbrella to shield them from the cold and rain
-Cognitive and memory skill development with the Balloon Pop Game, Flower Memory Game and Bunny Rabbit Drag-n-Drop Puzzle Game


-HD for iPads
-18 easy-to-read pages of engaging text, interactive illustrations and three interactive games that teach and test cognitive motor and memory skills
-Over 40 fun touch, tap and swipe interactive activities
-Easy navigation for little fingers to advance pages, interact with story and play games
-Simple way to engage about what being a good friend means
-This could be the app that helps stop bullying before it begins


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OneSeventeen Media takes your child’s privacy rights very seriously. The Friends Are Fun!™ ebook and games:

-Do not collect any personal information on your child
-Do not contain ads or in-app purchases
-Do not integrate with social networks, use data collection or analytic tools

How to Download / Install

Download and install Friends Are Fun! HD version .9 on your Android device!
Downloaded 5+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package: com.oneseventeen.fafandriod, download Friends Are Fun! HD.apk

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App History & Updates

Price update  Price changed from $1.99 to $1.60.
More downloads  Friends Are Fun! HD reached 5 - 10 downloads

What are users saying about Friends Are Fun! HD

by P####:

Cute story but one level games and games are not friend building or skill building at all. Save your money. :)

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