About Lagu Reggae Terbaik
Kumpulan 100 Lagu REGGAE Terbaik Dari Indonesia
Aplikasi ini Berisi Tentang Lagu Lagu Reggae Yang Terbaik Di Indonesia
Dengan Format Mp3.
REGGAE?? siapa yang tak suka musik yang satu ini, semua orang pasti kenal yang namanya REGGAE. Aliran musik yang berasal dari Jamaica yang sekarang mendunia diberbagai negara, contohnya INDONESIA. Di INDONESIA Musik REGGAE sudah banyak yang menyukainya, tapi di jaman sekarang musik REGGAE makin lama semakin digeser oleh band-band lokal yang lagunya itu itu aja.
Musik REGGAE menurut pendapat saya adalah aliran musik yang membuat hati terasa damai. Alunan suara gitar yang nyet nyet nyet bisa menyemangatkan dan serasa tubuh ingin menari diiringi musik REGGAE.
Tony Waluyo Sukmoasih (populer dengan nama Tony Q atau Tony Q Rastafara; lahir di Semarang, Jawa Tengah, 27 April 1961; umur 50 tahun) adalah seorang penyanyi Indonesia beraliran reggae yang telah aktif di ragam tersebut sejak tahun 1989. Dia bersama grup musiknya Rastafara memopulerkan istilah "rambut gimbal" (gaya rambut dreadlock) di Indonesia lewat lagu dengan judul yang sama pada tahun 1996. Tony Q telah menjadi ikon musik reggae Indonesia. Dia dianggap sebagai pelopor reggae di Indonesia, karena dia tak hanya berkecimpung di ragam tersebut sejak lama, namun juga mengembangkan karakter musik reggaenya sendiri.
Nama Aslinya adalah Muhamad Egar. Sedang nama sebutan Ras
diambil dari kosa kata bahasa Jamaika yang berarti bung/brur/mas. Akar kata Ras berasal dari kata Rastaman atau orang yang telah memahami falsafah dan ajaran Ras Tafari. Kata Ras sendiri dalam bahasa Amharik (Ethiopia) berarti Prince, putra bangsawan. Kalo boleh mengutip kata-kata Om Bob Marley "Reggae music is King Music", musik Reggae adalah musik yang disuguhkan untuk para bangsawan/Royal Music.
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1. All of content in this application is not our trademark.
2. We only get the content from search engine, youtube and website.
3. Please let me know if your original content want to remove from our application.
4. This app is unofficial app and only support streaming. This app only provides Mp3 Streaming and no download feature because it can infringe copyright.
Dengan Aplikasi ini Anda bisa mendengarkan serta menikmati lagu REGGAE Indonesia Terbaik maupun yang terpopuler.
=> Semua Lagu Lagu Auto Next
=> This App Is Only Support Streaming
=> Di Sarankan Ada Koneksi Di Smartphone Anda yang Stabil.
Semoga Bermanfaat Dan Terhibur ....
Selamat Mendengarkan Dan Menikmati Lagu REGGAE Dari Aplikasi ini.
Apabila Anda Berbaik Hati Pastikan Aplikasi ini,Di Beri BINTANG 5 Yaaa.
Terima Kasih. REGGAE set 100 Best Songs From Indonesia
This app Contains Lagu Reggae On The Best In Indonesia
With the Mp3 format.
REGGAE ?? who do not like the music of this one, everyone would know the name REGGAE. Stream music coming from Jamaica who now worldwide in many countries, for example, INDONESIA. In INDONESIA Music REGGAE had many like it, but in today's music REGGAE are gradually shifted by the local bands that song that it wrote.
REGGAE music in my opinion is a flow of music that makes your heart feel peaceful. Strains of guitar sound Nyet Nyet Nyet can energize and body seemed to want to dance to music REGGAE.
Tony Waluyo Sukmoasih (popularly known as Q or Q Tony Tony Rastafara; born in Semarang, Central Java, April 27, 1961; age 50) is an Indonesian singer reggae wing which has been active in such diverse since 1989. He and his band Rastafara popularizing the term "dreadlocks" (dreadlock hair style) in Indonesia through the song with the same title in 1996. Tony Q has become an icon of reggae music of Indonesia. He is considered a pioneer of reggae in Indonesia, because he not only engaged in such diverse long time, but also develop their own musical character reggaenya.
The original name was Muhammad, Egar. Average nickname Race
taken from the vocabulary of Jamaica which means bung / brur / mas. The root word comes from the word Rastaman race or people who have understood the philosophy and teachings of Ras Tafari. Ras own words in Amharic (Ethiopia) means Prince, son of a nobleman. If allowed to quote the words of Uncle Bob Marley "Reggae music is King Music" Reggae music is the music that is presented to the nobles / Royal Music.
1. All of the content in this application is not our trademark.
2. We only get the content from the search engines, youtube and website.
3. Please let me know if your original content want to remove from our application.
4. This app is unofficial app and only supports streaming. This app is only Provides Mp3 Streaming and no download feature Because It can infringe copyright.
With this app you can listen to and enjoy music REGGAE Best Indonesian as well as the most popular.
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=> This App Is Only Streaming Support
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Hopefully Helpful And Comforted ....
Congratulations REGGAE Listen And Enjoy Songs Of these applications.
If you Be kind Heart Ensure this application, Di Give 5 STAR Yaaa.