pintar para niños y niña for Android
características :
- Muy bonitas fotos
- Rápido de instalar y demarer
- Muy bellos gráficos
- Fácil de usar
- pintar para niños y niñas
que acaba de entrar una foto y elegir el color y empezar .
painting for children is a very good application for aprendre paint and draw their children to aprends to draw and color on your smartphone, then this is a very easy game to what can be colored Several images such as animals, vehicles, people and more, thanks to this game kids can spend a very long time to create images with beautiful colors, with this game application can color the faces, animals, and more. so grab your copy and let your kids spend a good time with painting for children.
characteristics :
- Very nice pictures
- Quick to install and demarer
- Very beautiful graphics
- Easy to use
- Painting for children
you just enter a photo and choose the color and start.