Offline. Fin Adiccion al móvil

Offline. Fin Adiccion al móvil Free App

Rated 4.56/5 (9) —  Free Android application by ocLink

About Offline. Fin Adiccion al móvil

Offline es la primer red social que te ayuda a controlar tu tiempo y el de tus amigos en linea. Tomate un respiro de tu móvil

Atiende lo importante. Fija tus objetivos y date un respiro. Ponte Offline y enfocate con todos tus sentidos.

Offline te permite controlar tu tiempo en linea fijando objetivos y ayudando a los demás a hacerlo. Sigue a tus amigos, desafialos, premialos....

Offline te brinda una manera original de controlar tu adicción al celular.

Con Offline puedes seguir a tus amigos y familiares apoyarlos para que limiten el uso del celular; esto es posible gracias a la integración social que esta app proporciona.

Puedes incluso desafiarlos y competir con ellos para ver quien puede lograr el mayor tiempo Offline.

Offline, Ponle fin a la adiccion al móvil. Offline, Desconectate para Conectar. Offline is the first social network that helps you control your time and your friends online. Take a respite from your mobile

It cater important. Set your goals and give yourself a break. Ponte Offline and focus with all your senses.

Offline lets you control your online time setting goals and helping others to do so. Follow your friends, challenge them, reward them ....

Offline gives you an original way to control your addiction cell.

With Offline can follow your friends and family to support them to limit cell phone use; this is possible thanks to the social integration that this app provides.

You can even challenge them and compete with them to see who can achieve as long as Offline.

Offline, Put an end to addiction to mobile. Offline, Disconnect to Connect.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Offline. Fin Adiccion al móvil version 2.3 on your Android device!
Downloaded 500+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package: com.ocoletto.offline, download Offline. Fin Adiccion al móvil.apk

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App History & Updates

Version update Offline. Fin Adiccion al móvil was updated to version 2.3
More downloads  Offline. Fin Adiccion al móvil reached 500 - 1 000 downloads

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9 users